It’s easier to keep a customer than find a new one – everybody knows that. The bad news is, with all of the mega-corp algorithms, online competitors, and cyber-clutter, keeping the attention of eve...
Sales, Sales Management
Professional salespeople are the most important players in the marketplace. But professional selling is as hard as it is important, so the last thing salespeople need is to be fighting call relucta...
If your sales effort isn’t getting the job done, it’s probably not because your team isn’t working hard enough, it’s because in The Age of the Customer, vendors are being ruled in or out before the...
Sales has been and always will be a numbers game. But in the Age of the Customer, it’s increasingly becoming more of a quality prospecting game. Consequently, how much revenue you draw from your sa...
Business referrals have always been there for the picking, but many salespeople and organizations don’t have a referral strategy. And even though getting referrals is fall-off-a-log easy, there are...
Selling is about elbow grease, shoe leather, and perseverance. It's also a numbers game. If you want to work smarter, not harder, focus on your referral strategy and ask the Magic Question.
Beyond what your small business customers need, there are things they also want. Your success depends on discovering what that is, deliver it, and charge for it.
Successful professional salespeople are gold miners, and the gold they seek is in the heads of prospects. So, why do so many salespeople spend so much time running their mouths? Here are three tips...
How can you tell if you or someone in your organization has a debilitating level of call reluctance? You'll find it in the numbers. Read on to find out how to recognize this condition and tips on h...
In the 21st century, Professional Selling Skills (PSS) are an essential, non-negotiable business fundamental. Here are three key components.
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