Category: Training, e-Learning
Josh Costell joins Jim Blasingame to explain that you have to make sure you get the return your expecting when sending your salespeople to training seminars by making sure they actually have a desire to learn.
How will college students receive their instruction in the future? Jack Uldrich joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the growth in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in undergraduate education which will disrupt legacy college models.
Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to dispel the myth that born leaders are the best, and to offer suggestions on how to hire and train the emerging leaders of your organization.
What if all high school students were taught about how tax policy works. John Fox joins Jim Blasingame to recommend that the school systems teach high school students about tax policy in the U.S. and potential improvement options.
How do you motivate and train factory reps? Josh Costell joins Jim Blasingame to offer tips and best practices on how to train independent factory reps who will be taking your products to market.
You cannot afford to NOT train your employees. Bob Negen joins Jim Blasingame to state that training employees is a success imperative, not an option, including how to treat customers so they will come back.
Jim Blasingame explains that training your employees should be a priority, plus using convenient and affordable online training programs.
Professional salespeople must have an abundance mindset. Don Cooper joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why you should only hire salespeople who have and abundance mindset, and they explain how to do this.
Do you have an abundance mindset? Don Cooper joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what it means to have an abundance mindset, and why it's essential to being successful as a professional in sales.
Why preschoolers are being taught how to stay focused. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the problem with some Head Start students is that they need to be taught how to focus in noisy environments.
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