Category: Sales, Sales Management
Chip Bell joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why you should love customers who are difficult because when you deliver what they want, they become the most loyal customers.
John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the strategic reasons why you may benefit from having a relationship with your competitors.
John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how much you can influence the ethical behavior of your competitors by creating a relationship with them.
John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why you should consider getting to know your competitors better to find the common ground.
Bill Wooditch joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why salespeople should be focused more on thinking about prospecting before they react and take action that could burn a bridge.
Bill Wooditch joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how the focus on numbers in sales activity is still relevance, but with a slight variation in the direction of focused and quality numbers.
Ramon Ray joins Jim Blasingame to talk about redirecting your sales focus to educating customers before you try to sell them.
Jim Blasingame reveals that some of the greats, like legendary actor, Sir Laurence Olivier, overcame extreme stage fright, and how we can learn from them about overcoming call reluctance.
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what scope creep is when working on client projects and how to prevent it from costing you money and a customer.
Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the outcome of sales activity should be stressed to new salespeople before you can hold them accountable for a budget.
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