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Category: Organizational Strategies

Jim Blasingame
Are you maximizing outsourcing opportunities? Jim Blasingame reveals how small businesses can squeeze that last drop of operating efficiency out through the power of outsourcing non-core competency tasks, especially those that don't touch customers.
Gayle Buske
Would a virtual assistant fit in your growth plans? Gayle Buske joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways business owners use virtual assistants to fill in assignments that don't need a full-time, face-to-face employee.
Governor Pete du Pont
Has the Republican Party lost its competitiveness? Governor Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the things the Republican Party has to do to put a president in the White House in 2016.
Pamela Harper
Are you feeding the elephant in your business's living room? Pam Harper joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to stop feeding the elephants in your business' living room and allow your people to help you get rid of them.
Pamela Harper
Don't let the elephants in your business's living room take you down. Pam Harper joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to identify the proverbial elephant in your organization that are holding you back, and how to help your people help you get rid of them.
Jay Papasan
What is stealing your effectiveness? Jay Papasan joins Jim Blasingame to reveal four things that consistently steal your management effectiveness, including the inability to say "no."
Jay Papasan
Is multi-tasking taking you down? Jay Papasan joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of identifying the one things that's most important to you today and making sure it gets done by making an appointment with yourself to do it.
Terry Jones
Do you have innovative teams? Terry Jones joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the traits and characteristics of an innovative team, including the ability to discuss and debate any topic or idea.
Terry Jones
Does your company have an innovative culture? Terry Jones joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that innovation requires the right culture and teams, plus what are the traits of an innovative culture.
Debbie Meyer
Do you have distractionitis? Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how many more distraction we have in our work day and how to manage them, including productive ways to stay on top of email without letting it dominate you.

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