Category: Trade Groups and Think Tanks
As one of the contributors to the group that was a co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize (along with Al Gore), Dr. Christy has an interesting take on Mr. Gore's "contribution" to the global warming debate, and he also offers his research on what's really happening.
What's the best direction for the U.S. on health care: more government involvement or private sector solutions? Grace-Marie and Jim discuss this issue and offer their opinions, including what the major presidential candidates are proposing on the small business radio program, The Small Business Advocate Show.
Why did former Vice President Gore win a Nobel Peace Prize? Marlo and Jim discuss the illegitimacy of this award, since Mr. Gore's proposal will do nothing to promote peace.
Is New York City heading for a fiscal crisis? Nicole thinks this is a definite possibility and she talks with Jim about this, plus they discuss how NYC's story could be duplicated in your own municipality.
If you get a "no match" letter from the Social Security Administration do you know what to do? Beth joins Jim to talk about this controversial issue and to explain what you should do if you get one of these letters.
Where are we on the illegal immigration issue? Tamar talks with Jim about this, including a court decision this week that could create serious problems for small businesses.
Is the Fed going to bail out Wall Street with lower interest rates? Bill and Jim talk about what has gotten us to this tenuous point in the economy and the moral hazard the Fed is weighting in their decision of what to do with interest rates. Bill also talks about what he things the economy is going to do over the next few months.
One of the great fears of small business owners is of a lawsuit, especially a frivolous one. Elizabeth joins Jim to report on a success story for a small business, and how the courts are now stopping some of these frivolous cases.
How much does environmental regulatory compliance cost your small business? More than you think, and Angela joins Jim to discuss these often unseen costs.
What's really needed to rebuild New Orleans? Nicole talks with Jim about that and her answer might surprise you.
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