Category: Intellectual Property
What value does a buyer place on a business' intangible assets? Russ Brown joins Jim Blasingame to discuss tangible and intangible assets of a business and how they impact a business' valuation.
The U.S. government is trying to enforce digital property rights around the globe. Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the difficulty in trying to legislate the enforcement of digital property rights when violators are outside the U.S.
New technology has created new intellectual property piracy issues. Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to report on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act, why it was written, who the players are, will it pass and why should small business care?
The America Invents Act expedites the patenting process for small inventors. David Dawsey joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the prioritized examination provision of the America Invents Act, which expedites the patenting process.
How will the America Invents Act benefit small business? David Dawsey joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the new America Invents Act helps small businesses save money on patent filing fees and speeds the process for them.
The America Invents Act is the biggest change to patent law in 50 years. David Dawsey joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the new America Invents Act, which will prioritize by "first to file" rather than "first to invent," harmonizing it with systems in other countries.
Are you missing growth opportunity right under your nose? Andrew Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that most small businesses do not realize that they are sitting on intangible assets they already own that could take their business to the next level.
What will happen when the U.S. unleashes its stored intangible asset energy? Andrew Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the numbers on the stored-up intangible assets that are sitting on the economic sidelines waiting to be unleashed.
When a senior business owner tells their story - listen. Stephen Baum joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the lessons that can be learned from Jack Nadal's story, and why storytelling is powerful.
Why don't banks like to loan against intellectual property? David Dawsey joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to make your intellectual property pay off when you need to borrow money from a bank.
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