Category: Franchising, Licensing
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on an Obama-era NLRB attack on the franchise industry in an attempt to unionize the sector, and why this must be stopped.
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the hiring practices to acquire high quality employees are the same as any employer has to follow.
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to compare the level of energy required of a franchise owner compared to a regular entrepreneur.
Jim Blasingame extolls the beauty and benefits of the franchise industry and why it’s become a global success story and wealth creator.
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to share some ideas on what it takes to find and operate a senior care franchise business, including where to look for a franchisor.
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to report on the demographic shifts that might make buying a senior care franchise a good idea for the next few decades.
Wayne Crews joined Jim Blasingame to discuss how the Obama NLRB hurt the franchisor/franchisee relationship, which regulation has been reversed by the Trump administration.
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the cyclical and counter-cyclical ways the economy – good or bad – impacts franchisors and franchisees.
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the questions to ask the owner of a franchise like the one you’re interested in, including surprises, mistakes and how the franchisor treats its franchisees.
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that one of the very first things you should do before paying money for a franchise is to spend a day with someone who owns one just like the one you’re thinking of buying.
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