Good Ways To Deliver Bad News

Andrea Nierenberg Nobody likes to be the bearer of bad news. But avoidance only increases tension and fear. Your employees and/or coworkers need and deserve to know if they are under-performing, if layoffs are pending, or if the company has lost a major client. Whether you're the decision-maker or simply the messenger, consider these tips when bad news must be shared:

Do It Quickly
Spreading the news slowly over time only prolongs the agony. People often sense that something is wrong and if you string them along, they will be stressed and distrustful. This affects your relationship with them and your reputation. When you do it in a timely fashion, this will give people the opportunity to regroup, strategize, or make other plans.

Accept Responsibility
If you or the company is responsible for the impending bad news, take responsibility. Getting defensive will only escalate conflicts. Accept your part in the decision but avoid apologizing if it's not appropriate. There is a difference between taking responsibility and being at fault.

Be Honest
The quickest way to lose credibility is to lie. That doesn't mean you should tell them every detail. It would be cruel to tell a job candidate all the negative things the committee said. "We decided on another candidate whose experience was a better match," is candid and respectful. If the bad news is that you can't pay your bill, let the collector know and state how you plan to solve the problem.

Choose the Appropriate Venue
When delivering bad news, determine where and with whom you'll deliver it. If a company is going to announce layoffs, it is best to hear it in person from the leader than to read about it in the paper or to receive an interoffice memo. If you're afraid a person will be volatile, have a neutral third party with you. Most of all, bad news should not be delivered by letter or email because it will be perceived as cold and unfeeling.

It is understandable that people will be upset by bad news. Be willing to listen and to respect their emotions. If a product is discontinued, your customer may not be happy with a substitute. So don't be surprised if they express dissatisfaction. Let them vent and acknowledge their feelings. Until they feel heard, any solution will fall on deaf ears. Listening is the highest form of respect.

We all have to deliver bad news from time to time. The good news is you can deliver the message in a way that preserves your self-esteem and long term relationships.

To contact Andrea Nierenberg, write to The Nierenberg Group, 420 E. 51st Street, Suite 12D, New York, NY 10022. She can be reached by phone at 888-605-5911 or by e-mail at, web address:

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