A-List Contacts: Prized Possessions of the Entrepreneur
![Jeff Zbar](http://media.smallbusinessadvocate.com/images/people/6402/cropping_done-medium.jpg?1517324478)
Terri Lonier with Working Solo recently opined on her Biggest Do-Over Wish – the “one thing I would have done differently in my business, if I could turn back the clock.”
Her thoughts were similar to mine: knowing early in our career more about cash flow, being able to make painful business decisions more quickly, becoming a better judge of character and trustworthiness, or losing one’s timidity.
Her one true regret, though, is the one I think I’ve mastered over the past two years: “I wish I had kept a single source of all my contacts.”
Entrepreneurs meet great people. As a journalist, I meet countless A-List people – sometimes a dozen or more in a week, especially when reporting is particularly resource-laden or quote-intense (and this doesn’t include if I’ve gone out to an event or networking session). I’ve met C-Suite dwellers and their mid-level marketing people who actually make things happen. I’ve met savvy entrepreneurs and impressive pioneers, like Terri, who are new business’s leading edge.
Her lament long has been my own: Where to put all those names and juicy details?
I wrote an article once on that topic: Where to stash all the rich data and otherwise memorable snippets that we amass, when there’s no logical place to house it. Professor Dumbledore from Harry Potter fame would use a Pensive.
Today, in an increasingly mobile workplace, the Contacts mandate is: Seek Ubiquity.
I used to use a Palm Pilot. I once had a single Word document with all my contacts. I even had two Rolodexes. Until recently I used Act!, the powerful contact manager. It’s especially effective because users can input Notes from conversations; notes even include dates and subsets of data. Others I know use sales-oriented software like Goldmine. The solution is no single app and is as varied as the user(s).
My solution today: Google Contacts (part of Gmail, actually). Ubiquity found.
Once my data has been stashed in Contacts, it automatically syncs with my BlackBerry (also works with iPhones, Windows smart phones, Android phones – the lot).
I’ve even gotten into the habit of putting household info into GContacts. Our favorite restaurants, the hockey rink, the vet, the kids’ orthodontist, the local Enterprise Rental Car location, all go into Contacts. That way, they’re always close at hand. This way, for example, if I’m on my way home from a business meeting and nothing’s been planned for dinner, I’ll call in an order, pick it up en route, and deliver dinner without missing a beat.
And because they’re in the Cloud (and my smart phone), they’re there when I need them – no matter where I am. There’s that ubiquity again.
I’ve tried to convince my kids to get off AOL mail and Hotmail and turn instead to GMail.
With apps like Contacts, Sync and others, it simply will be more purposeful in their lives as cloud-based data becomes more prevalent and necessary. Add Picasa, Documents and other tools, and their experience truly will be cloud-borne.
Because our contacts and associated information can (and should) blossom, make sure you have enough memory to accommodate that growing list. My BlackBerry has a one gigabyte microSD card to complement its onboard memory.
Gather those contacts. Make a home for them. Update them constantly. Then harvest them to broaden your network and the influence others can play in your life. Or, as Terri concludes…
“So if you’re in the early years of your solo business, mark my words: treasure those contacts, and keep your data in as few spots as possible – preferably one! The social networks we weave as soloists are crucial to our success, on multiple levels. And to stay connected, you need to have the contact details of those you want in your life.”
Jeff Zbar, The Chief Home Officer
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