10 Reasons to Update Your Employee Handbook

1. E-mail & Internet use. E-mail and internet abuse by employees presents a real liability to the employer when the employer's system is used to transmit sexual harassment or pronographic messages or images. Employer guidelines are needed to prevent and control employee cyberslacking or waste of time through non-work use of E-mail and the Internet.
2. Cell phone use. Cell phones are everywhere. Their use can help or hinder workplace productivity. Camera and video phones create added concerns. Employees receiving personal calls during work time cause lost productivity and workplace disruption. Limits must be set and communicated.
3. Drivers License checks. Many employers now find that their insurance carrier wants to run a DMV check of employee drivers and may refuse to cover those with poor driving records. The employer faces significant potential liability if uninsured drivers operate a vehicle on the job. A policy must be clarified and this critical message should be communicated to job candidates as well as employees.
4. Wage - Hour Changes. The Fair Labor Standards Act now permits wage deductions from salaried workers for certain absences. Has your firm adapted its policies to capture this attendance control feature?
5. Medical Privacy. The HIPAA privacy and security rules affect many employers as well as the health care industry. A health disclosure authorization is needed to receive information needed to administer benefits or attendance policies. Is your firm properly handling employee health information?
6. New VESSA Law. A new Illinois law prohibits discrimination against individuals who are victims of domestic violence. Firms with 50 or more workers are affected. Are your policies adapted to this new issue?
7. Workplace Privacy. Employer surveillance, searches and other workplace monitoring are critical to promote workplace security and prevent loss. Care must be exercised to avoid a privacy invasion.
8. Sexual Orientation. A new Illinois law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Equal opportunity policies need to be updated to reflect this new protected class category.
9. Sexual Harassment. Careful attention to this often misunderstood area is needed to guide proper on the job behavior, prevent workplace disruption and avoid costly claims.
10. Equipment Use & Return. Much of employer provided equipment is now costly computer laptops, PDAs and vehicles. Policies guide proper use, care and return of these costly assets.
Employers are urged to define policies, update employee handbooks and promote effective employee communication on these and other critical issues that affect the employment process.
William S. Hubbartt is a human resources and privacy consultant St. Charles, IL. www.Hubbartt.com. He is the author of "The HIPAA Security Rule - A Guide for Employers and Health Care Providers,"a 200+ page book in CD format.