Referrals for Difficult Professions

The Rubber Chicken Circuit
Educating referral sources takes time. Most fledgling businesses can't financially wait for the education process to mature. However, there is another strategy that works well in tandem with the word of mouth referral process. I discovered this strategy years ago when I realized speaking engagements often resulted in new business for me. Speaking engagements are really great for building a business base while educating referral sources, in mass.
The hour or so spent with a potential client educating them on what you are selling or what service you have to offer is extremely important. Imagine using that same hour to speak with 20 to 50 business people in your own community! That is, in effect, what happens when you speak at community service clubs or the "rubber chicken circuit."
Many entrepreneurs realize the immense networking value of joining and participating in service clubs but don't often understand that referrals can be generated from speaking at these various meetings.
So now the question is: "How do I, as an entrepreneur, get on their calendars?" It isn't terribly difficult. More often than not program chairs are scrambling to find someone different, engaging and interesting to present. Which means your job is to simply help them find YOU!
Here is a sample of a letter that I produced and sent to program chairs or gave to people in my extended network while I was still in the business consulting field. One key point to remember: offer more than a one-hour sales pitch, give them something in return for their time.
Dear Program Chair:
AIM Consulting is a management consulting firm that works with small and medium size businesses. During the last two years, we have given a presentation entitled "Entrepreneuring in the 80's" to over 60 service organizations such as yours. The presentation deals with managing and motivating employees. It involves participation and interaction with the audience and leaves time for questions at the end. Here are some of the comments we've received:
"Fantastic, every service club must hear!"
East LA Rotary
"One of our best…Ivan kept everyone excited."
Alhambra Optimist
"Excellent, highly recommended, got a lot of questions."
Hermosa Kiwanis
If you are interested in this topic, we would be glad to visit your club to give this presentation.
Please feel free to contact us is you have any questions.
Ivan R. Misner
Just one acceptance generated from this type of letter can position you in front of multiple business people who might be in the market for your product or service! You never know where these types of connections will lead. One of my biggest clients came from an engagement at a service club.
It is very important to give the audience something to take away that will bring them back to you. For example, a hardware store owner could appeal to a program chair on the topic of home safety. Who better than a hardware store owner to fashion a presentation on home safety and give viable tips on how to clean-up hidden (and not so hidden) dangers?
Of course, some of the club members might realize right then and there that their home is filled with various hazards. Who better to help find solutions for these hazards than the hardware store owner, himself?
Another great networking result is spin-off business from such events. Spin-off business is like icing on the cake. Once you begin networking with the members of the organization, you will be met with an open door for referrals from them. Make sure you ASK for those referrals!
Remember the key is to go in with information and education…not a huge sales pitch. People don't like being sold to, they like to buy!
The "rubber chicken circuit" can work for almost any business and is specifically tailor-made for difficult businesses.
Next time you think of a rubber chicken, think - leverage, think - networking, think - business!