Yale Hauptman

Yale Hauptman

Yale S. Hauptman is licensed both in New Jersey and New York. His practice is focused on elder, estate, and special needs law. He has personally helped thousands of families plan for the complicated and emotional journey through the long-term care process. Yale writes and speaks extensively on elder, estate and special needs law topics, has been featured in both local and national media and has been quoted in print and digital media outlets. Additionally, Yale presents elder law topics to legal, financial, insurance and health care professional organizations as well as to the general public. He is also a published author of an eldercare book entitled, Be Nice To Me-I Pick Your Nursing Home. Yale teamed up with his partner and wife, Laurie A. Hauptman, Esq., and nationally acclaimed speaker and financial advisor, Don Quante, for his book, Don’t Go Broke in a Nursing Home, a consumer’s real-life hands-on guide to long-term care, including Medicaid eligibility, Veterans benefits, and new ways to “self-fund” your care without going broke.

Interviews with Yale Hauptman

Laurie Hauptman
How to evaluate different long-term care insurance products
Laurie Hauptman
What is long-term care insurance and should you consider it?
Laurie Hauptman
How to evaluate different long-term care insurance products
Laurie Hauptman
What is long-term care insurance and should you consider it?
Laurie Hauptman
Legal documents everyone should be thinking about, not just seniors
Laurie Hauptman
Understanding legal documents for the last part of your life