Tracey Jones

Tracey Jones

Leadership Expert & Career Advisor, Tracey C. Jones, M.B.A., is the author of the new book, “A Message To Millennials: What your parents didn’t tell you and your employer needs you to know”(April 2017). Tracy is the President of Tremendous Leadership, a professional development and management consultancy that advises Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, non-profits and universities on issues of leadership, ethics, and employee engagement. Her clients include Liberty Mutual, The American Automobile Association (AAA), The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), United Way, the McCann School of Business, and others.

Tracey Jones is also a Former Air Force Major, a Gulf War Veteran, and spent 10 years in the corporate boardrooms of The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, where she had top secret security clearance, Northrop Grumman, a global defense technology company, Applied Materials, a Fortune 500 company, among others.

A passionate philanthropist, In the past 5 years Tracey has donated over $1 million dollars to libraries, colleges, and community centers throughout central Pennsylvania. She also leads prison book group discussions through Books Behind Bars, a national non-profit initiative.

Tracey is a graduate of the New Mexico Military Institute, The Air Force Academy, and she holds an MBA in Global Management.

Interviews with Tracey Jones

Tracey Jones
Why more respect for the fundamentals would serve Gen Y
Tracey Jones
What it takes to help Gen Y find success in the workplace