Sarah Milstein

Sarah Milstein

Sarah Milstein is a speaker, writer and consultant specializing in Twitter for business. She's also co-founder of 20slides, and she's co-author, with Tim O'Reilly, of The Twitter Book. Previously, she was on the senior editorial staff at O'Reilly Media, where she founded the Tools of Change for Publishing Conference (TOC) and led development of the Missing Manuals, a best-selling series of computer books for non-geeks. In addition, she's written for the series, co-authoring Google: The Missing Manual. Before joining O'Reilly in 2003, Sarah was a freelance writer and editor, and a regular contributor to The New York Times. She was also the CSA program founder for Just Food, a local-food-and-farms non-profit, and co-founder of Two Tomatoes Records, a label that distributes and promotes the work of children's musician Laurie Berkner.

Interviews with Sarah Milstein

Sarah Milstein
Twitter User 21 reveals the secrets of this platform