Robert Morris

Robert Morris

Since childhood, I have been an avid reader who is passionate about learning. That explains my appreciation of the formal education I received (BA at Beloit, MA at Yale, and additional graduate study at Chicago, Northwestern, and UCLA) and the fact that I taught English at two boarding schools in New England for 13 years (Kent and St. George’s) before embarking on a business career in public relations and corporate communications.

Years later, I returned to the classroom as an adjunct professor of English at a local community college while continuing my practice as an independent management consultant. Along the way, I began to review mostly business books for Amazon’s US, UK, and Canadian websites and blogging at other websites. So I guess you could say that I have several professional passions: to learn, to share what I learned, and to support the work of others whom I hold in high regard. I have reviewed their books and interviewed several of them.

My own education continues and, meanwhile, I am delighted to be able to share the resources that are available to you at this website as well as at other websites to which links are provided.


Interviews with Robert Morris

Robert Morris
What business books will look like in the near future
Robert Morris
Digital and social influences on publishing
Robert Morris
What is the future of business books?
Robert Morris
Digital and social influences on publishing
Robert Morris
What business books will look like in the near future
Robert Morris
What is the future of non-fiction books?