Rich Galen

Rich Galen

Rich Galen's career includes work in and out of politics, in and out of the U.S. He has been press secretary to Dan Quayle and to Newt Gingrich. Rich has a political column, He is a regular guest on Fox and has been a frequent guest on television shows on CNN, CNBC, and MSNBC.

Interviews with Rich Galen

Rich Galen
How we earn the sacrifice of those we honor on Memorial Day
Rich Galen
Could the current cyber-war end the wars with bullets and bombs?
Rich Galen
Taking a Memorial Day pilgrimage
Rich Galen
How the Democratic Party dodged an apocalyptic Super Tuesday
Rich Galen
What kind of presidential candidate will Joe Biden be?
Rich Galen
The tectonic shift that was Super Tuesday 2020
Rich Galen
Why the Democrats won’t be able to count on Main Street businesses
Rich Galen
Will the Dems steal the nomination from Bernie – again?
Rich Galen
Establishing perspective when considering a coronavirus “pandemic”
Rich Galen
The unfortunate launch of the Democratic presidential selection season