Reed Holden

A world-class pricing expert and co-founder of Holden Advisors, Reed helps companies worldwide in a broad range of industries create go-to-market strategies that drive price leadership and profitable growth. He is an enthusiastic and persuasive advocate of the Value DisciplineSM, a process he pioneered to help companies in highly competitive markets optimize their marketing programs. As a change agent, he helps business leaders put these strategies into action by instilling pricing confidence across their organizations and within the executive ranks.

His latest book — Pricing with Confidence: 10 Ways to Stop Leaving Money on the Table — provides a practical framework and compelling examples for his presentations and keynotes. Co-authored by Reed and Mark Burton, the book converts a wealth of quantitative research into highly practical ideas that give sales, marketing, finance, and pricing leaders an actionable road map for working together to outperform the competition. Reed also co-wrote the 2nd and 3rd editions of The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, as well as “Profitable Pricing: Guidelines for Management.”

Interviews with Reed Holden

Interview with Reed Holden