Pamela Springer

Pamela Springer

Pamela Springer is the CEO of Manta.


Interviews with Pamela Springer

Pamela Springer
Promoting small businesses & driving growth
COMING SOON! This interview has not yet taken place.
Pamela Springer
Is your small business mobile ready?
Pamela Springer
Get out of your cave and ask for help from your peers
Pamela Springer
Any kind of referral is golden - including the online ones
Pamela Springer
What does on credit downgrade of the U.S. mean?
Pamela Springer
Adopt social media based on customer expectations
Pamela Springer
Develop a social media strategy one step at a time
Pamela Springer
The greatest impediment to increasing employment
Pamela Springer
The current state of hiring for small business
Pamela Springer
Small business, the lifeblood of the economy