Judith Glaser 
Judith E. Glaser is the CEO of Benchmark Communications, Inc., and the Chairman of The Creating WE Institute. She is one of the most innovative and pioneering change agents, consultants and executive coaches in the consulting industry – and refers to herself as an Organizational Anthropologist.
A best-selling business author, Judith is the world’s leading authority on WE-centric Leadership, Neuro-Innovation and Conversational Intelligence®. Through the application of neuroscience to business challenges, Judith shows CEOs and their teams how to elevate levels of engagement, collaboration and innovation to positively impact the bottom line.
Judith is the author of 6 books and an animated film on Leadership. Three of her books are best sellers including: Creating WE: Change I-Thinking to We-Thinking & Build a Healthy Thriving Organization, The DNA of Leadership, and 42 Rules for Creating WE. The Leadership Secret of Gregory Goose, and Ultimate Power, Gregory’s Journey Over the Horizon, are companions to her animated film – The Leadership Secret of Gregory Goose. Her 7th book, on Conversational Intelligence™, was published in 2013.