John Truman  Wolfe

John Truman Wolfe

John Truman Wolfe is the author of America the Litigious, Mind Games, and The Gift. In his new book, Crisis By Design: The Untold Story of the Global Financial Coup and What You Can Do About It, Wolfe digs deep into what actually lead to the nation’s banks being pregnant with billions in subprime mortgages, and also describes why it occurred and who orchestrated this debacle. He draws on experience as a senior credit officer in two banks and co-founder of a prestigious Los Angeles based business management company, where as a registered investment adviser, he oversaw the financial and investment matters of some of the biggest names in Hollywood.

Interviews with John Truman Wolfe

John Truman  Wolfe
Manipulation and controlling the global economy
John Truman  Wolfe
Did someone plan and cause the Great Recession?