Jeffrey Gitomer

Jeffrey Gitomer, President of Buy Gitomer, a consulting, training and publishing firm and author of The Sales Bible and Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless, is a syndicated columnist in more than 70 Business Journals across the country with a weekly readership that exceeds 1,500,000. He performs sales and customer service workshops, seminars and keynotes to clients including Siemens, Sony, AT&T Wireless, FedEx, Time Warner Cable, HBO, Inc. Magazine, and NationsBank, along with presenting more than 150 seminars each year to top executives and sales professionals around the world. Jeffrey has appeared in segments on CNBC, CNN-FN, CNN Airport Network News, and Carolina Business Review and often quoted in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.


Interviews with Jeffrey Gitomer

Interview with Jeffrey Gitomer
Interview with Jeffrey Gitomer