Guy Sorman

Guy Sorman

Guy Sorman, a French economist, is the leading advocate for free market and entrepreneurship in his country. He is often characterized as the modern Tocqueville . He is the author of 30 books dealing with progress and globalization, including his latest, Economics Does Not Lie. He is also a City Journal contributing editor and one of France's leading public intellectuals. He has often written in defense of free markets and the free society in Europe.

Guy is an entrepreneur and publisher of many magazines he created in France and in the U.S. In 2013, he became the CEO of France -Amerique, a monthly bilingual magazine about French culture.

In 2015, Guy and his wife became U.S. citizens, remaining French citizens as well. Their choice was dictated by their admiration for the U.S. Constitution.

Interviews with Guy Sorman

Guy Sorman
The challenges America’s big tech companies are having in the EU
Guy Sorman
How bad could the Brexit negotiations get for England?
Guy Sorman
The EU economy is good, but …
Guy Sorman
Should the U.S. and EU work together against China?
Guy Sorman
Will Trump and the EU settle trade disputes?
Guy Sorman
What the French think of President Trump
Guy Sorman
Does the French community in the U.S. need it's own magazine?
Guy Sorman
Why is Pope Frances denouncing capitalism?
Guy Sorman
Is France re-embracing capitalism?
Guy Sorman
Does the French community in the U.S. need it's own magazine?