Ed Yourdon

Ed Yourdon

Internationally recognized consultant, lecturer, and author or co-author of more than 25 books, including Managing High-Intensity Internet Projects, Death March, and The Rise and Resurrection of the American Programmer. Widely known as the lead developer of structured analysis design methods in the 1970’s and the popular Coad/Yourdon object-oriented methodology in the early 1990’s, he has been inducted into the Computer Hall of Fame along with such notables as Charles Babbage, Seymour Cray, James Martin, Grace Hopper, Gerald Weinberg and Bill Gates.

Interviews with Ed Yourdon

Ed Yourdon
The role of a computer expert witness
Ed Yourdon
Beware the seductive death march project
Ed Yourdon
How technology will impact society in the future
Ed Yourdon
What will personal computing tools look like in the future?
Ed Yourdon
Is it too early to proclaim the death of the PC?
Ed Yourdon
Is Russia embracing a capitalist economy?
Ed Yourdon
Why technology gives small businesses a huge advantage
Ed Yourdon
Let's adopt technology as if humanity matters
Ed Yourdon
Are humans too dependent upon technology?
Ed Yourdon
Why small business has a technology advantage