Bruce Bartlett

Bruce Bartlett

Economic historian and author, Impostor and The New American Economy: The Failure of Reagonomics and a New Way Forward. He is a weekly columnist for Forbes. com and has written for New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and more.

Interviews with Bruce Bartlett

Bruce Bartlett
Small businesses need tax policy we can depend on
Bruce Bartlett
How closely does the political class reflect America?
Bruce Bartlett
America is sailing toward a fiscal cliff in 2013
Bruce Bartlett
How fiscal consolidation by governments impacts small business
Bruce Bartlett
Should we worry about the national debt?
Bruce Bartlett
How to NOT create jobs
Bruce Bartlett
Thoughts on a carbon-constrained world
Bruce Bartlett
Is America becoming Europeanized?
Bruce Bartlett
Is Reaganomics dead or just currently misapplied?